Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A proposal from Stephen

Perhaps this is a ripe moment to put an idea or informal proposal forward. Sustainable Agriculture of Louisville (SAL) is in the process of incorporating as a 501c3 Non-governmental organization (our application is on file with the IRS), in order to expand our mission and develop a training program for aspiring farmers (to lead more people into agricultural production work). At some point, probably within a year or year and a half, SAL will want to establish a locale for itself, for files, tables and some chairs for students (nice chairs are being stored there now), etc... One idea: for SAL to use a modestly refurbished Scout Hut, put up good shutters on the now nailed in window frames, possibly add a wood burning stove so we could use in the winter, have a dried grain storage area, seed storage area, tool area, etc... With window shutters on sticks that could be propped up, we could get enough light to use in daylight during most of the year (even without a heating unit). No need for screens, for example, as we will truly be a rural style operation, rustic to the core.

SAL would be a low-maintenance presence, not requiring indoor plumbing or running water. Once we get settled, SAL would keep up the building and repair any leaks, etc...

One concern: there appears to be some leaks right now in the Scout Hut roof, damage which will only increase if not attended to.

Proposal: CHPC and perhaps with SAL volunteers arrange to repair roof leaks and make windows openable (SAL has some handy volunteers who could help), and SAL could then occupy the space starting sometime April through late June 2009, and pay a modest quarterly fee for its use. ($50- $75 per quarter?). SAL gives the building a good paint job and a sign over the door identifying it as the SAL headquarters. We could undertake some of the activities of the gardening camps from the SAL headquarters...so have less stuff lying around in Fellowship Hall, and plant a couple more fruit trees on the lawn behind the hut...

We could do a beautiful paint job by engaging a local artist or artists to paint the outside walls and make the building blend in better with the surroundings than the rough white paint job.

Consider this a brainstorm proposal. No response is needed at present. SAL could also delay in occupying this if necessary until 2010, when we hope for our expanded program to start in earnest.

-- Stephen


  1. I'd love to see the Scout Hut put to good use--and this sounds like a good idea, to me!

  2. creative re-use, and maintenance to boot! Sounds like a good proposal.
