Friday, June 5, 2009

May 27 session discussion

Anita Cary reported that the task force met recently and discussed various things:
- The stove in the kitchen must be brought up to code.
- They’ll look into the cost of installing indoor-outdoor carpet in Fellowship Hall.
- Drapes in Fireside Room and more carpeting.
- Possible westward expansion of the facilities.
- Ted Trautwein will look to see what it would take to make the Scout Hut usable for SAL offices (which Stephen Bartlett has requested).
- Would like to get a collection of code books.
- Laura Kelleher’s going to look into getting some grants for some of this work.
- Jane is going to invite people to be on some committees: housekeeping, building maintenance, grounds, and “greening.”

The task force also recommended that we have the stained glass window by the piano cleaned and re-leaded and protected by glass this summer. That particular window is leaking. Perry Chang moves and Ben Langley seconds this recommendation, which is approved by acclamation.

-- Peter